Not sure if it’s just an alternative to works Christmas parties, but there’s a stupidly great selection of live music this week. Deep breath…
The Yummy Fur @ Glasgow Stereo, Wed 15th / Idlewild do ‘100 Broken Windows’ @ Edinburgh Liquid Room, Wed 15th / Laibach @ Glasgow Classic Grand, Thu 16th / Frog Pocket @ Glasgow Stereo, Thu 16th / Bill Wells + Aidan Moffat & friends @ Stirling Tolbooth, Fri 17th / ‘Stars In Their Eyes’ incl. Broken Records, Meursault and Eagleowl @ Pilrig Church, Fri 17th / The Glitter Band & Captain Sensible @ Glasgow Classic Grand, Sat 17th / Pensioner & Bronto Skylift @ Dundee Doghouse, Fri 17th / Martin Stephenson & The Daintees @ Glasgow Accies Club, Fri 17thWe Were Promised Jetpacks,The Seventeenth Century + John Knox Sex Club @ Glasgow QM Sat 18th / Belle & Sebastian @ Glasgow Barras, Sun 19th / The Cathode Ray @ Edinburgh Voodoo Room, Sun 19th. Phew!