Mima Merrow releases her second single, ‘Yellow Teeth’.
It follows ‘Freckles‘ from September, and like its predecessor, trails debut EP ‘Good Grief’, mixed by Frightened Rabbit’s Andy Monaghan, and due out at the beginning of December.
Originally from Northern Ireland, the singer-songwriter had a chance meeting Mississippi’s AJ Meadows while visiting Glasgow, A collaboration eventually led to Merrow relocating to the city.
The multi-instrumentalist said of the new track: “I wrote Yellow Teeth as an attempt to reflect how it can feel inside my head at times. There seems to exist at the same time serene stillness and complete chaos which are equally potent and overwhelming.
“When I write,” she continued, “the songs come from an inner world full of different characters and stories. This one looks at the tricksters that exist inside us all… seducing us into thinking one thing before pulling us into something completely different – leaving us disorientated wondering what just happened.’
More at mimamerrow.com / www.facebook.com/mimamerrow.
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