Mark W. Georgsson releases a single on the newly-established Last Night from Glasgow label.

Recorded at Chamber Studio, the double-A side release contains two songs – ‘The Ballad of the Nearly Man’ a duet with Katie McArthur, and the flipside the same song recorded in Icelandic by Sigríður Thorlacius, and Arnari Guðjónssyni – singer with Icelandic band Leaves.

The former Velveteen Saints bassist has just recently finished recording his debut album with Rod Jones of Idlewild – who also plays guitar on the tracks – on production duties.

The new label which carries the release was formed by Ian Smith, Murray Easton, Andy Hynes, Joseph Judge, Stephen Kelly and Ross Mullen, following Smith’s part in crowdfunding TeenCanteen’s album (Easton sister is in the all-girl band). The label offers ‘board membershi’, with over 80 people signing up at £50 per annum to receive all physical releases and access to exclusive members-only gigs and events.

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