We’ve seen a few of our regular livestreamers fall by the wayside of late with no new home gigs coming in to replace them, but here’s what you can catch this week from the comfort of your own home…

Angus Munro is, it seems, guaranteeing a livestream every Friday at 7pm, so go and insist on a possibly themed set of tunes, perhaps with requests, at www.facebook.com/angusmunromusic.

Also, you can (most likely) find Mt. Doubt – well, frontman Leo Bargery – doing a home livestream at 8pm on Thursday.

And Sundays will (probably) offer two favourites – Hamish Hawk, live at home on Sunday from 6pm via on Facebook and Instargram, and at 8pm, Gordon out of ballboy @ballboymusic from 9pm on Instagram (and check out Facebook in advance.

But one one-off show via Zoom on Sunday August 30th, 4pm to 10pm is the Virtual Songfest – with Edinburgh-based anti-folk legend Lach, The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre, plus international names like
Boothby Graffoe and Attila the Stockbroker, all hosted by Dean Friedman (Lach is on at 6).