Summer’s here, so what better time to head for the great indoors, as venues open up to gigs again.

The Hug and Pint in Glasgow has a series of shows entitled Endless Summer, a full week of shows kicking off with Fuzzy Lop on Monday 16th, with Jeshua on Thursday 19th also of note.

Similarly, King Tut’s annual Summer Nights makes it back after a year off, with the pick of their gigs being Check Masses on Tuesday 17th.

If you prefer your music out in the open – well, you may need to head east. Some International Festival-affiliated shows at Edinburgh Park include Nadine Shah on Wednesday 18th, Black Midi on Thursday 19th, and Anna Meredith on Friday 20th.

Also under cover, in Summerhall‘s Secret Courtyard, Hamish Hawk plays on Tuesday 17th, Carla J Easton is on Wednesday 18th, and James Yorkston plays two shows on Friday 20th, at 5 and 8pm. Admiral Fallow are on Saturday 21st, but many of these shows are already sold out.

And the weekend, at Scoune Palace, Wee Solas sees the annual festival of storytelling, performance and discussion, albeit in scaled-down form. As ever there’s music as well with Rachel Sermanni, on Saturday 21st, and Randolph’s Leap heading up the bill on Sunday 22nd.