It’s a bit of a rushed gig recommendation this week, as there’s a load of shows happening NOW! Stop reading and get yourselves down to…
First, Carnivores – they’re at Aberdeen’s Tunnels on Monday 11th (as well as Dunfermline’s Jam Jar on Wednesday 13th)
Future of the Left are in Glasgow, at King Tuts’s, again on Monday 11th…
And, almost improbably, there are two shows of note in Edinburgh, Monday 11 – Mark Stewart (of Pop Group and Mafia fame) at the Voodoo Room.
Meanwhile, The Low Anthem are at the Pleasance Theatre, same day, same city
Django Django are in Dundee, at the Doghouse on Wednesday 13th
White Heath at Edinburgh’s Voodoo Rooms on Thurs 14th
Miaoux Miaoux are in Edinburgh, at the Electric Circus, launching the new album, Thursday 14th
New to you, maybe – Gareeda, a band with Degrassi connections and a sound to match, play at Edinburgh’s Bannerman’s on Friday 15th, and Greenock Dakota (definitely new to us) on Saturday 16th
And The Just Joans, are at the capital’s Wee Red Bar, Saturday 16th
Another unusual gig location perhaps – Aviemore’s Insider Festival has Admiral Fallow, Roddy Woomble, Optimo and The Phantom Band among many others for the weekend of the 15th – 17th.
Malcolm Middleton’s Human Don’t Be Angry side project takes in Edinburgh’s, Electric Circus on Friday 15th, and then to Glasgow, at King Tut’s, on Sat 16th – Martin John Henry guests on both occasions.
Finally, on Saturday 16th, Paws head to Aberdeen, playing Snafu
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