The press release for this album describes The Zephyrs as “psychedellic magicians”. While many press releases are a complete load of rubbish and hyperbole, this is actually completely accurate and spot on.
The band’s fifth album, and a return after a hiatus of a few years, this album is little short of magical. Imagine a band who set up camp along the borders alt. country, shoegazing, the best traditions of Scottish indie -and remembered to write songs along the way. That’s The Zephyrs on this album. It’s an album that I’ve played a lot and will continue to do so for a long time to come. It grabs you right from the opening track ‘Creative Faith’ and holds you until the closing ‘Sole in The Machine [sic].’
Featuring contributions from, amongst others, Mogwai’s Barry Burns and Super Furry Animals’ Gruff Rhys, who appear on second track ‘Wet Outside Dry In Here’ this is an incredibly strong album. Do not let it pass under your radar. Stop it; ask it its purpose and join the journey…
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