A documentary on the most influential female groups in Scottish music is close to going into production, following a successful crowdfunding campaign.
The full-length production features members of Strawberry Switchblade, The McKinleys, The Twinsets, The Ettes, Lungleg, Sophisticated Boom Boom, His Latest Flame, The Hedrons and TeenCanteen, as well as interviewing KT Tunstall, who currently tours with an all-female backing band.
The funding window for ‘Since Yesterday’ is still open, with an end date of June 16th, but the project has already reached its initial target.
However, co-director Carla J Easton – a solo artist as well as frontwoman of TeenCanteen – says that the next target is to complete the film in time for launch at festivals like Glasgow Film Festival in March 2022, pointing out that this is not an easy task – “the average Netflix documentary costs £300k+” she states on the campaign’s Kickstarter page.
There, the ‘stretch goals’ for the film are listed, where extra funding will allow the team – also including co-director Blair Young and producer Miranda Stern – “make the best film possible”.
Easton points out that among the extra expense will be the clearing of archive footage, which can cost up to £3,000 per minute, as well as the possibility of bringing in an animator to create bespoke content.
The film takes its title from the Strawberry Switchblade track ‘Since Yesterday’ – which is, remarkably, the only track by an all-Scottish band to reach the UK Top 40.
“We started this documentary,” the team behind it state, “because we want to shine a light on the issues, but also, as hard as some of the story is to hear, we want to celebrate the determination, the individuality, the occasional success, the history of these incredible women, their music and these brilliant bands.
“We can’t continue to write women out of the history of music. There will be bands and stories like this in every city and country across the world.”
More at the Since Yesterday Kickstarter page, where you can back the project in return for a variety of music-related ‘rewards’ – singles, cassettes, T-shirts etc, tickets to screenings of the film, and even being named in the credits.
You can also read an interview with the makers of the film with the Sunday Post.
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