‘Supergroup’ is a term that is tossed around pretty frequently, but meet the mysteriously-named Hank Tree (more…)
a casual introduction
Post-Brexit and post-Trump, youth disaffection is rife, and Aberdeen act Cold Years seem more downbeat than most on their new album ‘Paradise’.
. (more…)
Before hearing a band it’s always handy to get some idea of their sound. (more…)
Bands tend not to like being pigeonholed, but HAVR, cunningly, make that an impossible task anyway. (more…)
While band frontman McAll survived a catastrophic head injury caused by a gang attack, he lost every childhood memory, and spent the following decade in a cabin on the West Coast of Scotland, eventually resuming songwriting. (more…)
What’s in a name? This Falkirk-born quartet certainly took their name from a seminal Birthday Party album (more…)
They say the best things come to those who wait, so anyone following the work of Fife musician Kevin Allan should be satisfied by now (more…)
The phrase “needs no introduction” is an over-used one, but for anyone remotely interested in alternative Scottish music, Jill O’Sullivan will be a well-kent face. (more…)
Taking their moniker from a non-existent town imagined by sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick, the electronica produced by this duo has considerably more substance than their namesake, (more…)
Having a foot in several camps – or musical genres – can’t hurt if you want to get your music ‘out there’ (more…)