Legendary Glasgow dance label Soma are to revive their #SomaSkool events with an afternoon event in March.

SomaSkooi is to return following a nine year hiatus to once again aid in education about the electronic music industry, its aim being to motivate the future creative entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Taking part at SWG3 will be the likes of Slam, Auntie Flo, Jonny Wilkes, Happy Meals and
Stephanie Sykes among many others, with more to be announced.

There will also be a variety of panels featuring advice from Mixmag, Numbers, Ableton, LuckyMe, Rubadub, Electric Frog and Pressure Riverside Festival, Musicians’ Union, EmuBands, Glasgow Kelvin College, Electric Honey and many more.

The free entry event, from 12 noon – 4.30pm on Saturday March 31st, is in conjunction with host SWG3, electronic music learning hubs Shoogle Studios and SKapade Studios, and Creative Scotland, and is open to anyone over 16.

More information is at the Somaskool Facebook event page and free tickets can be obtained via residentadvisor.